Hello, I’m a single mother of an amazing 10 y/o girl.
I work retail and require someone to pick up my daughter from school at least 4 days a week and if possible to babysit till 9:45 pm on ONE of those days, 6:00 pm at the very latest on the rest of the days.
Because I work in retail my schedule can be different from week to week although my boss is really good at trying to keep it the same for me since I have a child. Also, my work schedule can be flexible if you need a day off for something as well if I’m given enough notice.
I am very easy to get along with and my daughter is as well, and self sufficient, I basically just need someone to be with her because shes not old enough to stay home alone yet.
To apply, please visit the following URL:https://en-ca.whatjobs.com/pub_api__cpl__80313098__4809?utm_campaign=publisher&utm_medium=api&utm_source=4809&geoID=4243→