Popeyes Louisiana Kitchen
- Durée de l’emploi: Permanent
- Langue de travail: Anglais
- Heures de travail: 30 to 40 hours per week
- Education:
- Expérience:
- College, CEGEP or other non-university certificate or diploma from a program of 1 year to 2 years
- or equivalent experience
- Evaluate daily operations
- Modify food preparation methods and menu prices according to the restaurant budget
- Monitor staff performance
- Plan and organize daily operations
- Recruit staff
- Set staff work schedules
- Supervise staff
- Train staff
- Determine type of services to be offered and implement operational procedures
- Conduct performance reviews
- Cost products and services
- Enforce provincial/territorial liquor legislation and regulations
- Organize and maintain inventory
- Ensure health and safety regulations are followed
- Negotiate arrangements with suppliers for food and other supplies
- Negotiate with clients for catering or use of facilities
- Participate in marketing plans and implementation
- Leading/instructing individuals
- Address customers’ complaints or concerns
- Provide customer service
- Manage events
- 5-10 people
- 1 year to less than 2 years
- Provides physical accessibility accommodations (for example: ramps, elevators, etc.)
- Provides visual accessibility accommodations (for example: braille, screen readers, etc.)
- Provides auditory accessibility accommodations (for example: transcription software, teletypewriters, etc.)
- Participates in a government or community program or initiative that supports persons with disabilities
- Offers mentorship, coaching and/or networking opportunities for persons with disabilities
- Provides awareness training to employees to create a welcoming work environment for persons with disabilities
- Applies accessible and inclusive recruitment policies that accommodate persons with disabilities
- Participates in a government or community program or initiative that supports newcomers and/or refugees
- Assists with immediate settlement needs of newcomers and/or refugees (for example: housing, transportation, storage, childcare, winter clothing, etc.)
- Supports social and labour market integration of newcomers and/or refugees (for example: facilitating access to community resources, language training, skills training, etc.)
- Recruits newcomers and/or refugees who were displaced by a conflict or a natural disaster (for example: Ukraine, Afghanistan, etc.)
- Supports newcomers and/or refugees with foreign credential recognition
- Offers mentorship programs that pair newcomers and/or refugees with experienced employees
- Provides diversity and cross-cultural trainings to create a welcoming work environment for newcomers and/or refugees
- Participates in a government or community program or initiative that supports youth employment
- Offers on-the-job training tailored to youth
- Offers mentorship, coaching and/or networking opportunities for youth
- Provides awareness training to employees to create a welcoming work environment for youth
- Participates in a government or community program or initiative that supports Indigenous people
- Offers mentorship, coaching and/or networking opportunities for Indigenous workers
- Develops and maintains relationships with indigenous communities, indigenous-owned businesses and organizations
- Provides cultural competency training and/or awareness training to all employees to create a welcoming work environment for Indigenous workers
- Participates in a government or community program or initiative that supports members of visible minorities
- Applies hiring policies that discourage discrimination against members of visible minorities (for example: anonymizing the hiring process, etc.)
- Offers mentorship programs that pair members of visible minorities with experienced employees
- Provides diversity and cross-cultural training to create a welcoming work environment for members of visible minorities
Support for persons with disabilities
Support for newcomers and refugees
Support for youths
Support for Indigenous people
Supports for visible minorities
To apply, please visit the following URL:https://en-ca.whatjobs.com/pub_api__cpl__79855989__4809?utm_campaign=publisher&utm_medium=api&utm_source=4809&geoID=676→